1:00 Answers in GenesisThe Evolution of Darwin 1 His Life: Dr Tommy Mitchell explores how the events of Darwin's personal life impacted his theory of evolution.
2:00 Go Healthy for Good NZBariatric Surgery: There are many ways to lose weight meal replacement, intermittent fasting, low carb, low fat, or wholefood plant based diets, and then there's bariatric surgery. Does it work? and if so, how?
3:00 Hope Sabbath SchoolGod@s Love and Justice God is Compassionate and Passionate: Old Testament prophets revealed God's passion and even jealousy for us. How did God demonstrate this love through the ministry of Jesus?
4:00 Arnie's ShackTemptation: Join Arnie and his family and friends at Arnie's Shack for a wonderful variety of songs, stories, and activities, and Balloon Kaboom with Pastor Daron.
4:30 Kids' Camp Sing-AlongSpreading God's Love: Singing can bring real joy and build your trust in God so, come join the Kids at Camp as they sing along to some well known songs.
4:45 Bible GemsAngels Shut the Lions Mouths for Daniel: Join US to see how God saves his servent Daniel from the lions.
5:00 Lifestyle MagazineShaken Baby Syndrome: Anyone can lose their temper in a stressful situation. "Shaken Baby Syndrome" kills more than 1,500 infants every year in the US.
5:30 Stupid MoneyWasting Money: Living Well is a store serving customers with Christian books, music, food, and gifts. Employees share the different ways they have spent money unwisely, and what they've learned.
6:00 Mums at the TableTeaching Your Child to Pray: the Mums at the Table chat about teaching your child to pray, body issues in boys and safe medication to take during pregnancy
6:30 Boarding CallAerodynamic Doubt: Those who first tried to fly knew the feeling of taking a leap of faith. So how can we handle the gap between what we know, and what we don't, when it comes to believing and trusting in God?
7:00 The Incredible JourneyThe Race That Stops a Nation Melbourne Cup: Join Gary Kent at the Flemington Racecourse to learn about one of the oldest, richest handicap races in horse racing. We will also discover that each of US is caught up in a race, the race of life.
7:30 Hope at NightDoes Science Prove Evolution?: Don't most intellectual and rational people believe we evolved? Scientist Dr. Standish shares whether the Biblical creation account can undergo scrutiny against evolutionary biologists.
8:30 The Master's BrushI Was Hungry: Discover the stories behind the paintings of Christian artist Nathan Greene, and hear of the lives that have been touched by his painting 'I Was Hungry
9:00 Prophecy UnsealedBible Secrets to Good Health: is God concerned about our physical health? Should we be asking God about how he wants US to live? is health a matter of chance or a matter of choice? Brian McMahon explores these questions today.
10:00 Forgive to LIVEChoosing Forgiveness: Too often we hurt more than necessary simply because we would rather suffer than forgive. for some reason, we believe that staying angry is better than getting over our anger.
10:30 Hymns of the ForefathersAmazing Grace: Enjoy a journey through some of England's most beautiful scenery and places of worship, learning about the history of hymns. Classic hymns such as Amazing Grace.
11:00 It is WrittenForgiveness Preparation for Eternity: Join John Bradshaw and discover the transformative nature of forgiveness in Louis Zamperini's story and the vital impact it has on our own salvation.
11:30 Classical DestinationsClassical Destinations Great Britain: Explore a rich cultural journey with the heritage of classical music in Great Britain its influence, composers, and iconic venues.
12:30 The EvidenceMiracle Match: Finding hope and a new life in an unlikely place. the story of one selfless man saving the life of a stranger
1:00 Country WisdomDrug Addict Gives Bible Study: He tried all the world had to offer. Even married a stripper, but then the still small voice of God called them both to His side. Then tragedy struck.
1:30 New PerceptionsMission Impossible (Maybe) 01 We Are a Missionary Band: Join Dwight Nelson through his series " Mission Impossible Maybe ?" as he uncovers its possibilities in this weeks title : We Are a Missionary Band.
2:10 Creation AstronomyOur Created Universe Unexplained Mass: Spike Psarris examines what we know about the universe, comparing evolutionary models of how it came into being with the reality of what we observe in the heavens today part 2
3:00 Boarding CallAerodynamic Doubt: Those who first tried to fly knew the feeling of taking a leap of faith. So how can we handle the gap between what we know, and what we don't, when it comes to believing and trusting in God?
3:30 The Incredible JourneyThe Race That Stops a Nation Melbourne Cup: Join Gary Kent at the Flemington Racecourse to learn about one of the oldest, richest handicap races in horse racing. We will also discover that each of US is caught up in a race, the race of life.
4:00 Evolution ImpossibleBut isn't evolution a fact?: the question of, where life originally came from, intrigues everyone and there are a variety of different theories. Today we expore the most common of these: Evolution! is it even possible?
4:30 Missions TodayFiji: Fiji is a tropical paradise; but it isn't all paradise. Many people are in need and LIVE in poverty, which is why the volunteer team are there.
5:00 Healthy LivingHigh Fat Foods and the Brain: Alzheimers, stroke and poor mental performance. is there a common denominator causing these issues? Find out on this episode of Healthy Living.
5:30 Creation Magazine LIVEFossils Evidence for Biblical Creation: Fossils provide remarkable support for the Bible's account of history. This week we focus on some fossils that are difficult to fit into the 'millions of years' timescale, but fit well with the Bibl
6:00 Table Talk - The Big PictureGod's Purpose in Creation: the team at Lightbearers Ministry get together round the table to have an open and honest discussion about significant issues and doctrines presented in Scripture. Today Creation
7:00 Most Important QuestionsHow About My Body?: Young people ask many tough questions about life, the universe, and God, and today Doug Batchelor answers the question, "How about my body?"
8:00 Real Family TalkFamily Faces Lyme's Disease: Willie and Elaine Oliver talk with Chris and Debbie whose daughter contracted Lyme's disease, and how they maintained their faith throughout this trial.
8:30 Lifestyle MagazineParenting, Hope, & Humor: Kristina Kuzmic is a comedian, mother of three, been divorced, a single mother, then a newlywed with teens and a newborn. Her videos of hope and humor have had more than a billion views
8:55 Cliff!Just Set Down Here: is life really meaningless and purposeless, even though lunch is good?
9:25 Boarding CallAerodynamic Doubt: Those who first tried to fly knew the feeling of taking a leap of faith. So how can we handle the gap between what we know, and what we don't, when it comes to believing and trusting in God?
9:55 InverseRenewing the Mind Correcting Cognitive Distortions: Changing negative thought patterns and guarding the mind can sound impossible, but Paul gave straightforward advice on how to do it. Join the inverese team for more.
10:25 VindicationConvictions: Kris follows a narcotics lead to the home of a suffering military veteran. the Travis family struggles with Katie's erratic behaviour
11:00 Mums at the TableTeaching Your Child to Pray: the Mums at the Table chat about teaching your child to pray, body issues in boys and safe medication to take during pregnancy
11:30 Hymns of the ForefathersAmazing Grace: Enjoy a journey through some of England's most beautiful scenery and places of worship, learning about the history of hymns. Classic hymns such as Amazing Grace.
12:00 AuthenticThe 10 Commandments Series An Authentic Life: in this weeks episode, Shaun Boonstra explores the idea of what a perfect life before God would look like.
12:30 I Will Soar- DoccoI Will Soar (Part 1 of 2): the story about one community, one high school and one coach who produced a winning football season and sent first generation students to college (Part 1 of 2)
1:30 Healthy LivingHigh Fat Foods and the Brain: Alzheimers, stroke and poor mental performance. is there a common denominator causing these issues? Find out on this episode of Healthy Living.