5:00 Go Healthy for Good NZSudden Cardiac Death: Among young adults, sudden cardiac arrest is most often due to undetected genetic conditions. Prevent it happening again by asking the right questions, of the right experts, and doing the right test
6:00 Cross Connection - MatthewJohn the Baptist: He lived in the desert, wore rough clothes, and ate bugs for lunch. Join Oleg Kostyuk to explore the life, impact, and mission of John the Baptist
7:00 Hope ChurchBeyond Redemption from Failure to Forgiveness: When Peter denied Jesus, he thought his failure was final. Yet God's grace restored him, offering a second chance and new purpose, showing that no failure is beyond redemption.
7:30 Frequently Asked QuestionsWhy Can the Bible be Trusted? part 2: Ron Clouzet finds answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about religion, the Bible, and philosophy.
8:00 Hope at NightDoes Science Prove Evolution?: Don't most intellectual and rational people believe we evolved? Scientist Dr. Standish shares whether the Biblical creation account can undergo scrutiny against evolutionary biologists.
9:00 Healthy LivingHigh Fat Foods and the Brain: Alzheimers, stroke and poor mental performance. is there a common denominator causing these issues? Find out on this episode of Healthy Living.
9:30 Stupid MoneyWasting Money: Living Well is a store serving customers with Christian books, music, food, and gifts. Employees share the different ways they have spent money unwisely, and what they've learned.
10:00 Classical DestinationsClassical Destinations Great Britain: Explore a rich cultural journey with the heritage of classical music in Great Britain its influence, composers, and iconic venues.
11:00 It is WrittenFrom Gangs to God: John Bradshaw talks to well known Pastor and author Ron Halvorsen about his life story beginning in the gangs of Brooklyn.
11:30 Evolution ImpossibleBut isn't evolution a fact?: the question of, where life originally came from, intrigues everyone and there are a variety of different theories. Today we expore the most common of these: Evolution! is it even possible?
12:00 Creation Magazine LIVEFossils Evidence for Biblical Creation: Fossils provide remarkable support for the Bible's account of history. This week we focus on some fossils that are difficult to fit into the 'millions of years' timescale, but fit well with the Bibl
12:30 Real Family TalkFamily Faces Lyme's Disease: Willie and Elaine Oliver talk with Chris and Debbie whose daughter contracted Lyme's disease, and how they maintained their faith throughout this trial.
1:00 Lifestyle MagazineShaken Baby Syndrome: Anyone can lose their temper in a stressful situation. "Shaken Baby Syndrome" kills more than 1,500 infants every year in the US.
1:25 Cliff!Just Set Down Here: is life really meaningless and purposeless, even though lunch is good?
1:55 Boarding CallAerodynamic Doubt: Those who first tried to fly knew the feeling of taking a leap of faith. So how can we handle the gap between what we know, and what we don't, when it comes to believing and trusting in God?
2:25 InverseRenewing the Mind Correcting Cognitive Distortions: Changing negative thought patterns and guarding the mind can sound impossible, but Paul gave straightforward advice on how to do it. Join the inverese team for more.
3:00 VindicationConvictions: Kris follows a narcotics lead to the home of a suffering military veteran. the Travis family struggles with Katie's erratic behaviour